[AI] 大型語言模型 (LLM)

Baichuan-7B (by 百川智能)

ChatGPT (by OpenAI)

Claud - Claude can help with use cases including summarization, search, creative and collaborative writing, Q n A, coding, and more.

  100K tokens context window
  Claud 3: 200K tokens context window

Gemini (by Google)

  Gemini 1.5: 1M tokens context window

GPT4 (by OpenAI)

  8K/32K tokens context window

LLaMA-13b (by Meta)

Llama 2 (by Meta)

  4K tokens context window

MiniCPM-2B (by 面壁智能 and 清华大学自然语言处理实验室)