[筆記] OKR:做最重要的事

OKR 是由 Intel CEO Andy Grove 所建立,改良自管理大師 Peter Drucker 的 Management by Objectives,由 KPBC 創投家 John Doerr 引入 Google,並受到許多成功的高科技公司 (例如 Intuit、Youtube、Adobe) 採用。

OKR 的全名是 Objectives and Key Results,是設定目標的方法,可以清晰的傳達出想要達到的具體目標是什麼。

組織常見的問題是談論想做什麼,而沒有聚焦在預期達成的結果。OKR 有助於規劃、溝通想要達到的成果。

藉由 OKR 清晰具體的目標設定,能夠容易看出是否所做的事以及進展朝著目標前進,也可以確保團隊資源善加運用於達成目標。

John Doerr 對於 OKR 的定義: 一套管理方法,有助確保公司聚焦,集中處理整體組織裡重要的議題。

  Objective 是想要達成的,是重要、具體和行動導向的,最好還能激勵人心。

    "An OBJECTIVE... is simply WHAT is to be achieved, no more and no less. By definition, objectives are significant, concrete, action oriented, and (ideally) inspirational."

  Key Results 界定 Objective 的標準,並且監控如何達成 objective。有效的 key results 是明確的、有時限的、積極進取而又實際可行的、是可衡量及可驗證的。

    "KEY RESULTS benchmark and monitor HOW we get to the objective. Effective KRs are specific and time-bound, aggressive yet realistic. Most of all, they are measurable and verifiable."

Andy Grove 對於 OKR 的說明:

  Objective 是方向,例如「我們要主導中檔微電腦元件市場」。

  Key Results 是里程碑,例如「在本季為 8085 贏得 10 款新設計」。


Intel 迎擊 Motorola 的 OKR:


    Establish the 8086 as the highest performance 16-bit microprocessor family,	as measured by:

  KEY RESULTS (Q2 1980)

    1. Develop and publish five benchmarks showing superior 8086 family performance (Applications).

    2. Repackage the entire 8086 family of products (Marketing).

    3. Get the 8MHz part into production (Engineering, Manufacturing).

    4. Sample the arithmetic coprocessor no later than June 15 (Engineering).


    Deliver 500 8MHz 8086 parts to CGW by May 30.


    1. Develop final art to photo plot by April 5.

    2. Deliver Rev 2.3 masks to fab on April 9.

    3. Test tapes completed by May 15.

    4. Fab red tag start no later than May 1.

YouTube 提升用戶觀看時間的 OKR:


    Reach 1 billion hours of watch time per day [by 2016], with growth driven by:


    1. Search team + Main App (+XX%), Living Room (+XX%).

    2. Grow kids’ engagement and gaming watch time (X watch hours per day).

    3. Launch YouTube VR experience and grow VR catalog from X to Y videos.

Coursera 擴大接觸新學生的 OKR:


    Extend Coursera’s reach to new students.


    1. Perform A/B tests, learn, and iterate on ways to acquire new students and engage existing students.

    2. Increase mobile monthly active users (MAU) to 150k.

    3. Create internal tools to track key growth metrics.

    4. Launch features to enable instructors to create more engaging videos.


[書籍] OKR:做最重要的事 (Measure What Matters: How Google, Bono, and the Gates Foundation Rock the World with OKRs) - 作者: John Doerr