2021 年全球前 10 大醫療器材公司

1. Medtronic - Minimally Invasive Therapies, Diabetes, Restorative Therapies, Cardiac and Vascular

2. Johnson and Johnson - orthopaedic, surgery, interventional solutions, and eye health fields

3. Abbott - diagnostics, medical devices, nutrition and branded generic pharmaceuticals

4. Philips - Diagnosis and Treatment, Connected Care, and Personal Health

5. Fresenius Medical Care - enal care continuum, critical care solutions

6. GE Healthcare - imaging, ultrasound, software and life care solutions

7. Beckton Dickinson and Company - medical devices, instrument systems, and reagents

8. Siemens Healthineers - imaging, computed tomography, precision medicine

9. Cardinal Health - providing pharmaceuticals, medical products and services that help healthcare providers

10. Stryker - orthopaedics, medical and surgical solutions, neurotechnology and spinal care


Who are the top 10 medical device companies in the world (2021)?

[WiKi] Medtronic