[筆記] 高效能人士的七個習慣: 第二個習慣 "以終為始" (Habit 2: Begin with the end in mind)

以終為始 (begin with the end in mind),意思是:





這是很重要的「成果導向」的概念,我們需要經常思考: 目前在進行的事務,是為了達到什麼樣的「成果」。







進一步而言,不僅在出發之前要先知道要去哪裡 (目的地: goal),

也要想清楚,為什麼要策畫這個旅程 (目的: purpose, reason, why),



### 個人使命宣言 (Personal Mission Statement)


  → 你想要成為什麼樣的人 (what you want to be, character)

  → 你想要成就什麼樣的事 (what you want to do, contributions and achievements)

### 以「原則」作為核心 (A Principle Center)

Our security comes from
knowing that correct principles do not change.

The wisdom and guidance come from
correct maps.

The power comes from
a self-aware, knowledgeable, proactive individual.

As a principle-centered person,
you try to stand apart from
   the emotion of the situation
   other factors that would act on you,
and evaluate the options.

Looking at the balanced whole,
you'll try to come up with the best solution,
taking all factors into consideration.

Murphy: 非常成功的基金管理企業 Bridgewater Associates 的 CEO Ray Dalio 出的一本非常精彩的書,書名正是 "Principles"。

### 訂定及運用「個人使命宣言」

Mission statement 是我們衡量生活中各種事物的基準 (criterion),可藉此對生活中的各種事物設定正確的 priority。

Writing or reviewing a mission statement changes you
because it forces you
  to think through your priorities deeply, carefully.
  to align your behavior with your beliefs.

### Two Ways To Tap The Right Brain

1. 拓展觀點 (Expand Perspective)

  為自己寫墓誌銘;想像退休生活的情景;想像結婚 25 週年的情景;想像工作 15 週年的情景。


2. 具體想像目標達成時的情景 (Visualization And Affirmation)

  Almost all of the world-class athletes and other peak performers are visualizers.
  They see it; they feel it; they experience it before they actually do it.
  They begin with the end in mind.

### 界定角色及目標 (Identifying Roles And Goals)

思考不同層面的角色 (role):

  professional role

  personal roles - husband, wife, father, mother, neighbor, friend

  community roles - political area, public service, volunteer organizations

有效的 goal 關注「成果」,而不是「活動」。

### 家庭使命宣言

The core of any family is what is changeless --
shared vision and values.

This mission statement becomes the criterion
for evaluation and decision making.
It gives continuity, unity and direction to the family.
It becomes the framework for thinking, for governing the family.

### 組織使命宣言

要讓每個人都參與討論,因為「No involvement, no commitment.」

### 參考資料

[書籍] 與成功有約: 高效能人士的七個習慣, 作者: 史蒂芬.柯維

[書籍] The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People: Powerful Lessons in Personal Change, by Stephen R. Covey, 初版日期:1989