TFDA (台灣衛福部): 第一階段: 目的: 人體藥理試驗 第二階段: 目的: 療效探索; 決定第三階段的使用劑量及治療方法 第三階段: 目的: 確認安全及有效 第四階段 (上市後試驗): 目的: 治療用途之試驗 FDA: Phase 1: Purpose: Safety and dosage Participants: 20 to 100 people Length: several months Phase 2: Purpose: Efficacy and side effects Participants: Up to several hundred people Length: Several months to 2 years Phase 3: Purpose: Efficacy and monitoring of adverse reactions Participants: 300 to 3,000 people Length: 1 to 4 years Phase 4 (post market surveillance): Purpose: Safety and efficacy Participants: Several thousand ### Reference FDA: Clinical Research Wikipedia: Phases of clinical research 台灣醫藥臨床試驗資訊網