腦科學 (神經科學): 學習資源整理

文章 (Articles)

☑ 腦機介面 (Brain-Computer Interface) 專題: , 徐聖修

書籍 (Books)

禪與腦-開悟如何改變大腦的運作 - 作者: James H. Austin

Beyond Boundaries: The New Neuroscience of Connecting Brains with Machines---and How It Will Change Our Lives

Zen-Brain Reflections: Reviewing Recent Developments in Meditation and States of Consciousness - 作者: James H. Austin

Zen-Brain Horizons: Toward a Living Zen - 作者: James H. Austin

課程 (Courses): 訊號量測

[Coursera] Bioelectricity: A Quantitative Approach - Nerves, the heart, and the brain are electrical. How do these things work? This course presents fundamental principles, described quantitatively.

[Coursera] Bioelectricity: The Mechanism of Origin of Extracellular Potentials

☑ Brain Computer Interface 101
簡述各種大腦訊號量測方式, 包含:


半侵入式: ECoG

侵入式: 電極直接接觸神經元進行量測
[Coursera] Computational Neuroscience - an introduction to basic computational methods for understanding what nervous systems do and for determining how they function. Instructor: Rajesh P. N. Rao, Adrienne Fairhall. University of Washington.

Introduction To Modern Brain-Computer Interface Design - includes basics of EEG, BCI, signal processing, machine learning, and also contains tutorials on using BCILAB and the lab streaming layer software.

[Coursera] Introduction to Neurohacking In R - describes how to use the R programming language and its associated package to perform manipulation, processing, and analysis of neuroimaging data.

[edX] Neuronal Dynamics

[Coursera] Principles of fMRI - covers the design, acquisition, and analysis of Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI) data. Instructor: Johns Hopkins University, University of Colorado Boulder. Coursera.

課程 (Courses): 神經科學

☑ [EPFL][edX] Cellular Mechanisms of Brain Function - a mechanistic description of mammalian brain function at the level of individual nerve cells and their synaptic interactions. EPFL (洛桑聯邦理工學院) 開設. 講師是 Carl Petersen. 很硬的一門課. 講義內容比較少.

☑ [Harvard University][edX] Fundamental of Neuroscience.

Part 1 The Electrical Properties of the Neuron: 主要談細胞跨膜電位的原理及計算;神經細胞的電路模型;神經細胞訊號傳遞基本元素行動電位 (action potential) 產生的原理及傳遞的機制。

Part 2 Neurons and Networks: 主要談神經細胞的結構;神經細胞之間的 interface - 突觸 (synapse) 的構造及傳遞訊號的分子機制;神經傳導物質 (neurotransmitter) 及神經調節物質 (neuromodulator) 的作用及機制;神經可塑性。

Part 3 The Brain: 主要談光與視覺的原理及神經迴路;聲音與聽覺的原理及神經迴路;味覺、嗅覺、觸覺的原理及神經迴路;肌肉的結構、肌肉收縮的原理、神經系統控制肌肉收縮的原理及迴路;淺談大腦各個部位的結構及作用。

☑ [MIT 9.11] The Human Brain
授課教授: Nancy Kanwisher
[Coursera] Synapses, Neurons and Brains - Instructor: Idan Segev, Professor, Computational Neuroscience