1. 因為能夠取得的歷史績效年期不同, 表中的"平均值", "標準差", "總報酬率" 並非在相同的基準上進行比較.
2. 年度績效分為兩種: NAV, Market Price, 若有 Market Price 資訊, 以 Market Price 資訊為主.
3. 投資債市需考慮利率風險, 信用風險及匯率風險.
4. 高收益債 (high yield bond) 是非投資等級債券, 又稱為垃圾債 (junk bond), 信用風險 (違約率) 較高, 且和股市呈正相關.
SPDR Bloomberg Barclays 全球高收益債市 ETF 的美股代號為 JNK, 很忠實地反映了 junk bond 這件事.5. 新興市場債和新興市場股市呈正相關.
6. 若風險屬性趨於保守, 可考慮投資等級債券 (investment grade bond).
7. 投資美股掛牌的 ETF, 可能有匯率風險.
8. 過去資效不代表未來績效.
Barclays 全球公債指數 (Barclays Global Treasury Index): Bloomberg Barclays Indices - Fact Sheets and Publications - 搜尋 "Global Treasury Index"
SPDR Bloomberg Barclays 全球美國除外公債 ETF (SPDR Bloomberg Barclays International Treasury Bond ETF, BWX) - MorningStar 的歷史績效資料. 此 ETF 追蹤 Bloomberg Barclays Global Treasury Ex-US Capped Index.
SPDR Bloomberg Barclays 全球美國除外短期公債 ETF (SPDR Bloomberg Barclays Short Term International Treasury Bond ETF, BWZ) - MorningStar 的歷史績效資料. 此 ETF 追蹤 Bloomberg Barclays 1-3 Year Global Treasury ex-US Capped Index.
iShares 全球美國除外公債 ETF (iShares International Treasury Bond ETF, IGOV)
iShares 全球美國除外 1-3 年公債 ETF (iShares 1-3 Year International Treasury Bond ETF, ISHG)
Citigroup World Government Bond Index (WGBI): 搜尋 "Index Fact Sheet (ENG)"
SPRD Bloomberg Barclays 全球投資級公司債 ETF (SPDR Bloomberg Barclays International Corporate Bond ETF, IBND) - MorningStar 的歷史績效資料. 此 ETF 追蹤 Bloomberg Barclays Global Aggregate ex-USD \( \gt \) $1B: Corporate Bond Index.
Bloomberg Barclays Global Aggregate Index - Bloomberg Barclays Indices - Fact Sheets and Publications - 搜尋 "Global Aggregate Index"
Vanguard 全球美元除外廣泛投資級債市 ETF (Vanguard Total International Bond ETF, BNDX): Vanguard Total International Bond ETF - Price & Performance - 點選 "See cumulative, yearly, and quarterly historical returns". 此 ETF 追蹤 Bloomberg Barclays Global Aggregate ex-USD Float Adjusted RIC Capped Index (USD Hedged).
iShare Core 全球美國除外廣泛投資級債市 ETF (iShares Core International Aggregate Bond ETF, IAGG). 此 ETF 追蹤 Bloomberg Barclays Global Aggregate ex USD 10% Issuer Capped (Hedged) Index.
Bloomberg Barclays Global High Yield Index - Bloomberg Barclays Indices - Fact Sheets and Publications - 搜尋 "Global High Yield Index"
SPDR Bloomberg Barclays 全球高收益債市 ETF (SPDR Bloomberg Barclays High Yield Bond ETF, JNK) - MorningStar 的歷史績效資料. 此 ETF 追蹤 Bloomberg Barclays High Yield Very Liquid Index.
iShares 全球高收益公司債 ETF (iShares Global High Yield Corporate Bond ETF, GHYG) - 此 ETF 追蹤 Markit iBoxx Global Developed Markets High Yield Index.
iShares 全球美國除外高收益公司債 ETF (iShares International High Yield Bond ETF, HYXU) - 此 ETF 追蹤 Markit iBoxx Global Developed Markets ex-US High Yield Index.
iShares 美元避險全球美國除外高收益公司債 ETF (iShares Currency Hedged International High Yield Bond ETF, HHYX) - 此 ETF 追蹤 Markit iBoxx Global Developed Markets ex-US High Yield Index (USD Hedged).
富蘭克林坦伯頓全球債券基金 - 下拉式選單選擇"基金月報"
Barclays US Aggregate Bond Index: Bogleheads 含有 1976-2013 年度績效資料. 追蹤此指數的 ETF: Vanguard Total Bond Market ETF (BND), iShares Core U.S. Aggregate Bond ETF (AGG).
Vanguard 美國廣泛投資級債市 ETF (Vanguard Total Bond Market ETF, BND) - Price & Performance - 點選 "See cumulative, yearly, and quarterly historical returns". 此 ETF 追蹤 Barclays US Aggregate Bond Index.
iShare Core 美國廣泛投資級債市 ETF (iShares Core U.S. Aggregate Bond ETF, AGG) - 此 ETF 追蹤 Barclays US Aggregate Bond Index.
iShares 3-7 年美國公債 ETF (iShares 3-7 Year Treasury Bond ETF, IEI)
富達美元債券基金 - 以美國債市為主, 但也有投資其他國家
iShares J.P. Morgan 美元計價新興市場公債 ETF (iShares J.P. Morgan USD Emerging Markets Bond ETF, EMB) - 此 ETF 追蹤 J. P. Morgan EMBI Global Core Index.
iShares 新興市場高收益債 ETF (iShares Emerging Markets High Yield Bond ETF, EMHY) - 此 ETF 追蹤 Morningstar Emerging Market High Yield Bond Index.
Annual Returns of Key Fixed Income Indices (1997-2016), by Lazard Asset Management
[書籍] 全球債券 ETF 投資實務與應用
怪老子: 十年賺一倍的債券投資