上了 Google 最受歡迎的課程 Search Inside Yourself,收穫豐富。
因為課程是由工程師 (Google 傳奇人物陳一鳴) 所設計,特別具有邏輯性、科學基礎、及結構性。
基礎架構是透過 neuroscience 的探究及 mindfulness 的實務做法,以理論說明及實際練習, 培養 EQ 的五大元素: self awareness, self management, motivation, empathy, leadership,而導致 outstanding leadership (因為 EQ 得到提升), stellar performance (因為能夠達到 mental clarity) 及 happiness (因為能夠有 calm mind, 且當 mind focus 在 present 時, 是比較快樂的).
基本原理是,我們的大腦預設是 auto-pilot mode, 優點是不用費心就可以自動處理很多事情,缺點是注意力沒有放在當下因此會覺察不到當下的重要訊號、容易分心而失誤或沒效率、反射式反應 (遇到 physical or psychological threat 時,杏仁核會被激發,導致理性的大腦無法正常運作,此機制稱為杏仁核劫持)、批判性反應、根據過去的習慣及假設行動。
Mindfulness 的練習可以讓大腦由預設的 auto-pilot mode 切換到 awareness mode, 因此能夠把注意力集中在當下 (being present)、觀察到當下的重要訊號、能夠專注而提升大腦運作效率、在遇到情境時能夠冷靜下來根據智慧的抉擇做合適的處理 (避免杏仁核劫持)、根據覺知而行動。
參與的同學 (有許瑞云醫師、麗嬰房創辦人林泰生先生、陳月卿女士、...) 很有智慧,同學們的討論也讓課程增加了 diversity 及 depth。
SIY 基本觀念
what do you love about your work?挑戰:
what are some of your biggest challenges?
what would make this a successful day for you?
average time spent mind-wandering: 47%What to do?
leaders report regularly unable to be attentive in meetings: 70%
regularly make time to enhance personal productivity: 2%
Emotional Intelligence: the ability to monitor one's own and others' feelings and emotions, to discriminate among them and to use information to guide one's thinking and actions. -- Salovey and Mayer, 1990
EQ 有助於促進下列層面:
Self AwarenessSIY 有助於:
Self Management
Social Skills (Leadership)
Outstanding Leadership: 因為 EQ 得到提升.我們的大腦預設是 auto-pilot mode.
Stellar Performance: 因為能夠達到 mental clarity.
Happiness: 因為能夠有 calm mind, 且當 mind focus 在 present 時, 是比較快樂的.
優點:Mindfulness 的練習可以讓大腦由預設的 auto-pilot mode 切換到 awareness mode, 因此能夠:
反射式反應: 遇到 physical or psychological threat 時,杏仁核會被激發,導致理性的大腦無法正常運作,此機制稱為杏仁核劫持。
把注意力集中在當下: being present.Mind is like snow globe.
在遇到情境時能夠冷靜下來根據智慧的抉擇做合適的處理: 避免杏仁核劫持。
思緒如雪花般不斷擾動而混亂,mindfulness 能夠讓雪花沉澱下來,使得思緒變得清晰,有助於 calm, clarity, happiness.練習: 3 breaths
1. attention to breathMindfulness means
2. relax body
3. ask: what's important now?
語音檔: 暫停、覺知、呼吸 By 陳德中
paying attention to what’s happening in the present moment in the mind, body and external environment, with an attitude of curiosity and kindness. It is typically cultivated by a range of simple meditation practices, which aim to bring a greater awareness of thinking, feeling and behaviour patterns, and to develop the capacity to manage these with greater skill and compassion. This is found to lead to an expansion of choice and capacity in how to meet and respond to life’s challenges, and therefore live with greater wellbeing, mental clarity and care for yourself and others. -- Mindful Nation UKMindfulness 能夠優化大腦:
1. 腦島 (insula) 厚度增加 - 提升 self awareness參加 SIY 課程 4 週後的變化:
2. Brodmann area 9 and 10 厚度增加 - 提升 attention control
3. 杏仁核 (amygdala) 厚度降低 - 降低 stress, 有助於 emotional regulation
When in conflict with someone, I take time to fully understand what is driving their perspective: 32% → 55%Meditation refers to a family of mental training practices that are designed to familiarize the practitioner with specific types of mental processes. -- Brefczynski-Lewis, 2007
I am able to pause before reacting: 43% → 68%
Attention: the act or faculty of attending, especially by directing the mind to an object.練習: Focused attention
Meta-attention: Attention of attention, the ability to know your attention has wandered.
練習方式: 以能夠放鬆又能夠保持警醒的姿勢坐著,閉上眼睛,觀察自己的呼吸,如果發現自己分心了,輕輕地把注意力拉回到呼吸上。練習: Open awareness.
Process: follow breath → distraction → notice distraction → reorientation of attention → follow breath.
Focused attention 的練習可提升專注力.
姿勢: sit like a majestic mountain.
Your thoughts are bubbles waiting to be popped.這是止的練習: 注意力集中在單點。觀察呼吸時,觀察鼻端呼吸的進出。
Meditation 中, 並不是要把 thoughts wipe out, 大腦會一直產生 thoughts.
不要把 thoughts/emotions 當作是自己的,像 scientists 一般,從第三人稱的角度 (get us distance),去觀察浮現而出的 thoughts, emotions. 如此可避免執著於 thoughts/emotions.
Thoughts are not a problem. The problem is get lost in thoughts.
練習方式: 以能夠放鬆又能夠保持警醒的姿勢坐著,閉上眼睛,觀察周遭的各種訊號 (例如聲音、身體各部位的感覺)。練習: Mindfulness Listening.
Open awareness 的練習可提升覺察力。
Notice to name it, let it be and just breathe.
Open awareness 的練習有助於產生 creativity, insights.
這是觀的練習: 觀察整個過程。觀察呼吸時,觀察吸氣時,空氣從鼻端進入,通過喉嚨,肺部擴張。呼氣時,腹部收縮,空氣流經喉嚨,由鼻端出去。
做法: A 說,B 專注地聽,不打斷 A。練習: One minute to arrive. (One minute of present).
Q: 在 mindfulness 練習的過程中,如果有重要的創意跑出來,應該要暫停練習,把創意記錄下來,還是繼續練習,但如此會擔心創意流逝。
A: 可暫停練習,把創意記錄下來;如果覺得之後創意會再回來,也可以不把創意記錄下來,繼續練習。
Self Awareness
Knowing one's internal states, preferences, resources and intuitions. -- Daniel Goleman, Working with Emotional Intelligence
Mindfulness 的練習有助於提升覺知的 resolution, 因此有助於提升 self-awareness.
若覺知的 resolution 低,會覺得較糟,且會不知道如何改善情況;若覺知的 resolution 高,會覺得較快樂,且若遇到情況,較能夠找出改善的方法。
情緒升起時,因為神經連結的緣故及生物化學機制的作用,身體相對應的部分會有所變化,mindfulness 能夠幫助我們提升對於身體的感受的敏銳度,因此能夠覺察到情緒的信號,使得我們在遇到刺激時,能夠在做出反應之前,有時間可以進行明智的抉擇,選擇合適的反應。
Mind 會影響 body, body 也會影響 mind.
姿勢會影響心態,情緒會影響身體 (e.g. 緊張時心跳加快).Shift view from existential (e.g. I'm angry) to physiological (e.g. I experience anger in my body).
姿勢: 頂天立地、肩膀放鬆。
練習: Body scan.
提升對於身體感受的敏銳度。練習: Head, Heart, Gut Check-in.
語音檔: 身體掃描 by 陳德中.
Head - thoughts練習: Journaling.
Heart - values, intentions
Gut - emotions, intuitions
可在交談前、簡報前或面對可能的衝突前做此練習 (姿勢: 腳踏實地)。
效用:練習: Mindfulness eating/mindful bite.
increase self awareness, improved mood and well-being.紀錄:
to have 3rd party perspective, to have a distance to see oneself.
what, important, significant, emotion (WISE).
Things that annoy me are...
My challenges are...
Things that bring me alive are...
When I'm at my best, I...
咀嚼食物時,仔細觀察食物的氣味、滋味、在嘴巴被牙齒咀嚼的感覺...。練習: Mindful walking (walking meditation).
用餐的時候,可養成 mindful eating 的習慣,如此有助於時時刻刻處於 mindfulness 的狀態。
平常行走的時候,可養成 mindful walking 的習慣,如此有助於時時刻刻處於 mindfulness 的狀態。
Self Management
Between stimulus and response, there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom. -- Viktor Frankl
面對情境時,由被動做出反射式反應,轉變為能夠主動做出明智的選擇。 (compulsion → choice)
Self management: the process of managing one's internal states, impulses, and resources.
It's not:
avoiding當遇到 physical or psychological threats 時,杏仁核 (情緒中樞) 會被激發,使得情緒過分強烈,並且會壓抑前額葉皮質 (理智中樞) ,使得思考能力大幅下降,失去理智,以衝動的方式行事,往往導致做出事後會感到後悔的舉動。
另一方面,臨床研究發現,如果切斷情緒大腦和理智大腦的聯結,病患感覺不到情緒,他會變得無法做任何決定。對他來說,每一種決定,雖然理智上認知到有所不同,但無法感受到什麼是重要的。Emotional center helps us prioritize decision.
Mindfulness 能夠幫助我們提升對於身體的感受的敏銳度,因此能夠覺察到情緒的信號,使得我們在遇到刺激時,能夠在做出反應之前,有時間可以進行明智的抉擇,選擇合適的反應。
方法: SBNRR - hack our system to avoid amyglada hijack
Stop - create space between stimulus & responseEmotional Management: trigger → attention (情緒升起時,attention 會集中在狹隘的角度。這時候要設法 redirect attention to open awareness) → reframing (從完整的觀點來觀察整個情境) → acceptance (接受已發生的事實,讓心情平靜) -- Ochsner & Gross, 2005, Trends in Cognitive Science
Breathe - being present, settle down
Notice - notice what's happening, what thoughts/feelings come up, open up
Reflect - what's the story, what's the meaing
其中最關鍵的是 Stop,要時時刻刻保持覺察,時時刻刻覺察身心狀況,才做得到。
把 SBNRR 應用於 e-mail 回覆: 當看了一封 e-mail,感覺不愉快時,不要急著回覆,一段時間後,等到心情平靜後,再回覆。如果是有爭議性的議題,最好溝通後再回覆。
留意會 trigger 自己情緒反應的訊號 (e.g. 肚子餓、沒睡飽、違反自己相信的重要價值觀...)。Self-compassion may increase self-improvement motivation given that it encourages people to confront their mistakes and weaknesses without either self-deprecation or defensive self-enhancement. -- Briens & Chen, 2012
Self-compassion 練習:
breathing in, I do my best;
breathing out, I let go of the rest.
Pleasant life → life of engagement (e.g. accomplishment; overcome challenges; develop skills) → meaningful life (e.g. help others; not only fo self) -- Dr. Martin Seligman
Mindfulness → Self-awareness → Alignment (with values)
練習: choose 3 people you admire. For each person, write what traits you admire, and in what situations he or she displayed these traits.
練習: create a list of 5 core values that you hold. how do these values show up in your life?
思考 values, 有助於看清楚自己的方向,才不至於每天像無頭蒼蠅般打轉. 可提升 self-awareness, 瞭解自己受什麼 values 所 drive.
Belief → Choices → Outcome
In a sense, we learn from the past what to predict for the future and then live the future we expect. -- Regina Pally, The Predicting Brain
練習: what's your best possible future.
If everything in my life, starting today, meets or exceeds my most optimistic expectations, what will my life be like in 5 years?練習: hands on chair.
Who are you and what you are doing?
How do you feel?
What do people say about you?
touch chair fabric and uses this as a cue to remember highest intention.
Resilience: An ability to recover from or adjust easily to misfortune or change. -- Merriam-Webster
Resilience: Inner Calm → Emotional Resilience → Cognitive Resilience
Explanatory style:
樂觀 (optimist, expect things go positively) - 有助於提升挫折復原力, 但過度樂觀會看不見風險
悲觀 (pessimist, expect things go negatively) - 較不易從挫折中恢復過來, 過度悲觀會失去行動力
如實觀 (see the world as it is) - 不管是正面的經驗或負面的經驗, 都只是一種經驗, 正面或負面是從某個角度的主觀判斷, 如實觀把挫折視為一種客觀的經驗, 而不去執著它. 因為不執著於主觀的特定角度, 因此能夠看得更清晰, 更透徹. 面對事件, 面對它, 接受它, 處理它, 放下它. 因此能夠提升挫折復原力, 同時又不至於過度樂觀而看不見風險.
Brené Brown on Empathy.
What Google Learned From Its Quest to Build the Perfect Team?
psychological safety: shared belief held by members of a team that the team is safe for interpersonal risk-taking; a sense of confidence that the team will not embarrass, reject or punish someone for speaking up.Empathy is:
the ability to experience and understand what others feelEmpathy is not:
while maintaining a clear discernment about your own and the other person's feelings and perspectives.
psychologizing - 分析對方的心理,是理智上設法去瞭解對方會什麼會處於目前的狀態,並不是從情感上去體會、理解對方的感受提升 self-awareness 有助於提升 empathy。 -- Decety & Lamm, 2006, The Scientific World Journal
agreeing with people - 即使不同意對方的想法或不認同對方的作法,仍然可以從情感上去體會、理解對方的感受
Empathy 受下列因素所影響:
perceived "in group" or "out group" - 如果認為對方和自己不在同一個 group,會對於對方較沒有同理心。培養 empathy 的練習:
實驗設計: 播放以針扎手的影片,以 fMRI 觀察受測者的反應。對照組: 被針扎的手沒有任何標示。實驗組: 被針扎的手,標示種族、宗教或國家。perceived fairness - 如果認為對方不公平,會對於對方較沒有同理心
進一步的思考: group 是心理上的自我設限,舉例來說,同一個公司,不同部門的人,可以認為屬於不同 group,但面對 competitors 時,可以認為同屬一個更大的 group。
in group 的心理形成的原因,可進一步參考: [閱讀筆記] 隱藏的邏輯 - 了解群眾行為背後的原因,並設法進行預測的方法 - 為何人喜歡劃分敵我
Seeing similarities - 有助於打破 "in group" / "out group" 的心理框框。藉由改變觀點來促進 empathy。
Offering kindness - 主動採取行動釋出善意,建立正向循環。藉由改變行為來促進 empathy。
練習: What I heard you feel is...
A 說 B 聽。
B 說過程中觀察到 A 的感受。
主題: 克服挑戰的經驗、特別欣賞的人及原因。
Q: 如果對方向我借錢 (或請求幫忙),富有同理心的我,是否會變得較脆弱,應該如何自處?
A: 要區分自己的課題和他人的課題,不要把他人的課題,當作是自己的課題 (inspired by 阿德勒心理學)。
區分是誰的課題的方法: 思考「因為這個決定而帶來的結果,最後會由誰來承受?」
(A) 教他解決的方法。
(B) 幫他解決。
(C) 表示理解對方的處境,但不處理。
若行有餘力,能夠幫助對方,優先採取 (A) 為上策,對自己和對他人都比較好,因為採取 (B),是治標之道,而 (A) 能夠讓對方得到解決問題的能力,是治本之道。
Communicating with insight
練習: Mindful conversation.
A 說 B 聽。B 重述聽到 A 所說的內容,若有不同處,A 向 B 說明。溝通的三個層面 (difficult conversations):
1. 事實層面 (發生了什麼事?)
2. 情感層面 (我有什麼感受?)
3. 認同層面 (這攸關什麼?)
練習: 回想遇到的一次 difficult conversation.
Leading with compassion
Having compassion for others frees us from fearing... it turns our attention outward, expanding our perspective, making our own problems part of something bigger than us that we are all in together. -- Jinpa, 2015
Compassion may be defined as the capacity to be attentive to the experience of others, to wish the best for others, and to sense what will truly serve others.
練習: 慈心禪
對象: 自己、親近的人、中性的人、彼此有衝突的人、全人類
Q: 為什麼對於彼此有衝突的人,也要給予祝福呢,如此是否會讓自己處於劣勢?
A: 思想 → 言語 → 行動。雖然彼此目前有所衝突,但往往是由於許多原因而造成衝突,甚至有些部分是自己造成的。
1. 如果對方處於平安、平靜、健康、快樂的狀態,就比較不會去傷害他人。
2. 可讓自己降低執著,主動釋出善意,設法驅動正向循環。
而現實上,的確有些人是反社會人格者 (根據研究,美國約有 4% 的人是反社會人格者),他們的心理結構是不受良心所約束的,要能夠辨識出這些人,並和他們保持距離,以免受害。
Q: 有時候砥礪對方,讓對方有所成長,雖然一時對方情緒上會感到苦,但整體而言,對於對方是真正比較好的,什麼是真正的慈悲呢?
A: 慈悲與智慧要一起運用,才能圓滿。
2021/09/07 後記
最近在研究 Google 對於 managers 的 training, 發現 mindfulness 和 SIY 被納入了其中! 也相當重視 growth mindset, compassion 和 EQ!👍
[re:Work] Google's New Manager Training Slides
[Youtube] Chade-Meng Tan: "Search Inside Yourself" | Talks at Google
[Youtube] Search Inside Yourself Leadership Institute
[Youtube] Brené Brown on Boundaries, Empathy, and Compassion
[Harvard Business Review] 每天靜觀10分鐘,改變你對事物的反應