講題: 將敏捷開發方法應用在家庭 Agile programming for your family
講者: Bruce Feiler (The Secrets of Happy Families 一書的作者)
Bruce Feiler 首先簡述 50 年來 family 的變遷, 基本上以目前的演進, family 比以往更 strong (不過並沒有說明所謂的 stronger 是指哪些層面).
然後 Bruce 說明目前 family 面臨的問題:
1. Chaos
2. Parents are out of control
3. 小孩期望父母 less tired and less stressed.
接著 Bruce 說明想要達到的目標:
1. Reduce stress
2. Draw our family closer (increase communication, make everybody happier to be part of the family team)
3. Prepare children to enter the world.
Bruce 以一個成功案例說明採用 agile 方式解決 family 面臨的問題並達到上述目標的方法.
Agile 基本理念:
傳統的 waterfall 開發方法從規格製定到開發完長 iteration 太長, 因此當產品開發出來時, 早已不符合客戶及市場所需.
Agile 把工作 break down, 且當完成階段任務 (最長 2 週), 即時得到 feedback 並進行調整, 因此可依據快速變化的客戶及市場需求即時作出因應.
Agile development 簡述:
Workers are organized into small groups.
Workers do things in very short spans of time. (Nothing takes longer than 2 weeks).
The team manages itself.
Have constant feedback.
Have daily update sessions.
Have weekly reviews.
Adapt. Constantly changing. Succeed or fail quickly.
Agile 在 family 的應用實例之一: morning checklist.
在一個白板上列明每天早上該做的各項事務 (諸如泡咖啡, 倒牛奶, 烤麵包), 家庭成員分工進行這些事項, 完成後, 再度 check 還有哪些尚未完成, 直到全部完成. (而不是父母代為處理或大呼小叫要小孩進行各種事務).
Agile 在 family 的應用實例之二: family meeting.
在 family meeting 討論:
1. What worked well in our family this week? 上週我們哪些地方做得不錯?
2. What didn't work well? 上週我們哪些地方做得不好?
3. What will we agree to work on in the week ahead? 我們接下來的一週打算做什麼?
每個人提出建議, 挑選其中 1~2 項專注進行.
根據最近的學術研究, 成功的 family 有三大基石:
1. Adapt all the time.
不要固守某種方式, 而是順應情勢, 以最合適的方式進行.2. Empower your children.
不要命令小孩 (waterfall model), 而是讓小孩有較高的自主性 (agile model), 以引導的方式帶領.
Children who plan their own goal, set weekly schedule, evaluate their own work build up their frontal cortex and take over more control over their lives.3. Tell your story.
Jim Collins (Good to Great 一書作者) 認為成功的組織有兩件共同點: preserve the core (方法是 define mission 及 identify core values), stimulate progress.
Agile 有助於 stimulate progress.
達到 preserve the core 的方法:
i. 和小孩一同探討 family mission statement (Stephen Covey 在 7 habits of highly effective people 亦談及這一點)
ii. 讓小孩瞭解家庭成員的故事 (父母來自哪裡, 上哪所學校, 重大的事件, 成就, 如何度過某個難關), 可讓小孩有更高的 self-esteem, sense of control over their lives, emotional health, happiness.Happiness is not something we find, it's something we make.
What's the secret to a happy family? Try.
[閱讀筆記] 高效能人士的七個習慣 - 以終為始 Habit 2 Begin with the end in mind - 談到 family mission statement.
[書籍] The Secrets of Happy Families: Improve Your Mornings, Rethink Family Dinner, Fight Smarter, Go Out and Play, and Much More (by Bruce Feiler)