Strategy is the great work of the organization. In situations of life or death, it is the Tao of survival or extinction. Its study cannot be neglected. (The Art of War, Sun Tzu)
孫子曰: 兵者,國之大事,死生之地,存亡之道,不可不察也。 (孫子兵法)Strategy is about winning.
The purpose of strategy is to achieve certain goals.
舉例而言, Madonna 30年來始終專注於單一目標: 成為超級巨星; 北越總司令武元甲以持久戰、消耗戰的策略, 堅持了 27 年, 終於令美軍放棄越戰; Lance Armstrong不僅專注於自行車比賽, 更專注於單一自行車比賽: Tour de France (環法自行車賽), 7 度奪得 Tour de France 冠軍.
Strategy 並不僅是 plan, 而是 unifying theme that gives coherence and direction to the actions and decisions of an individual or an organization. 若 strategy 僅是 plan, 個人或組織則無法順應瞬息萬變的情勢依據 strategy 作出迅速的因應.
將「策略」 (Strategy) 視為「內部環境」 (The Firm) 及「外部環境」 (The Industry Environment) 的連結, 主要是基於 strategic fit 的概念 -- 「策略」要能夠奏效, 必須能夠同時與「內部環境」及「外部環境」相稱 (consistent, fit).
舉例來說, 若「策略」很漂亮, 但公司沒有能力執行 (「策略」與「內部環境」不相稱), 「策略」並無法奏效; 又若「策略」很漂亮, 但卻沒有考慮到市場情況的改變 (「策略」與「外部環境」不相稱), 「策略」亦無法奏效.
公司的策略 Firm's Strategy
公司的策略包含 corporate strategy (where to compete) 及 business strategy (how to compete, 又稱為 competitive strategy):
對於大型公司, Corporate Strategy 由 CEO 負責, Business Strategy 則由各 Business Unit 負責.
觀察 Hierarchy of Strategy Statements (proposed by Collis and Rukstad):
Mission statement: Why we exist.
Statement of principles or values: What we believe in and how we will behave.
Vision statement: What we want to be.
Strategy statement: What our competitive game plan will be.觀察公司所做的決策及採取的行動:
Comprise: objectives, scope (where to compete), advantage (how to compete).
公司正開發哪些技術? 申請了哪些專利?
作為決策的依據 Strategy as Decision Support
作為協調組織成員行動的媒介 Strategy as a Coordinating Device
作為目標設定 Strategy as Target
[書籍] Contemporary Strategy Analysis, 7th edition - by Robert M. Grant, Chap 1: The Concept of Strategy