Personality 性格
Personality 性格: the sum total of ways in which an individual reacts to and interacts with others.
Personality traits 性格特質: enduring characteristics that describe an individual's behavior.
The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI)
Extraverted (E) v.s. Introverted (I)
Extraverted: outgoing, socialable, assertive.Sensing (S) v.s. Intuitive (N)
Introverted: quiet, shy.
Sensing: practical, prefer routine and order, focus on details.Thinker (T) v.s. Feeling (F)
Intuitive: rely on unconscious process, look at the "big picture".
Thinker: use reason and logic to handle problems.Judging (J) v.s. Perceiving (P)
Feeling: rely on values and emotions.
Judging: want control and prefer their world to be ordered and structured.可區分出16種性格. 但研究顯示MBTI和job performance並沒有顯著的關聯性.
Perceiving: flexible and spontaneous.
The Big Five Personality Model
Big Five Model考慮下列5個層面:
Extraverts: gregarious 群居性的, assertive, sociable.Agreeableness
Introverts: reserved 冷淡的, timid 怕羞的, quiet.
High on agreeableness: cooperative, warm, trusting.Conscientiousness 有責任感的
Low on agreeableness: cold, disagreeable, antagonistic 反對的.
High on conscientiousness: responsible, organized, dependable, persistent.Emotional stability
Low on conscientiousness: easily distracted, disorganized, unreliable.
Positive on emotional stability: calm, self-confident, secure.Openness to experience
Negative on emotional stability: nervous, anxious, depressed, insecure.
High on openness to experience: creative, curious, artistically sensitive.Big Five 性格特質對於組織行為的影響:
Low on openness to experience: conventional, find comfort in the familiar.
在相對弱勢的環境, 行為受性格影響較大.
在相對強勢的環境, 行為受環境影響較大. 而組織是相對強勢的環境.
Value 價值觀
Value 價值觀: basic convictions that a specific mode of conduct or end-state of existence is preferable.
Value system: a hierarchy based on a ranking of an individual's values in terms of their intensity.
Value通常能夠說明一個人的態度, 行為及認知.
Rokeach Value Survey
1. Terminal values
refer to desirable end-states.2. Instrumental values
舒適的生活, 刺激的生活, 成就感, 和平, 美, 平等, 家庭安全, 自由, 滿足, 內在和諧, 成熟的愛, 國家安全, 愉快, 靈性解脫, 自尊, 社會認同, 真誠友誼, 智慧
refer to preferable modes of behavior, or means of achieving the terminal values.
雄心壯志, 心胸開放, 有能力, 令人愉快, 乾淨, 勇氣, 原諒, 助人, 誠實, 想像力豐富, 獨立, 聰明才智, 邏輯, 愛心, 服從, 禮貌, 有責任感, 自制
Organizational Behavior, 14th edition, Stephen P. Robbins, Timothy A. Judge. Chapter 5: Personality and Values
[閱讀筆記] 情緒形態的大腦運作機制