There are leaders and there are those who lead.Inspired leaders 溝通的方式, 以下圖的 Golden Circle 加以說明.
Leaders hold a position of power or authority, but those who lead inspire us.
Whether they're individuals or organizations, we follow those who lead, not because we have to, but because we want to.
We follow those who lead, not for them, but for ourselves.
And it's those who start with "why" have the ability to inspire those around them or find others who inspire them.
E.g. 公司提供什麼商品、自己在組織內負責什麼工作。
E.g. differentiated value proposition, proprietary process, unique selling point.
大家通常是用 ”how“ 來解釋為何某些事物不同或優於其他事物。
很少人能清楚說明,自己為什麼會做現在所做的事情。大部份的人溝通是從外圈到內圈, 先談 what, 接著談 how, 最後才談 why.
”Why“ 不是指獲利,獲利是結果,不是原因。
“Why" 指的是 purpose, cause, belief.
E.g. Why does your organization exist? Why do you get out of bed in the morning? Why should anyone care?
因為大家通常會先談比較清楚的事情,然後才談比較模糊的事情。Inspired leaders (舉例: Apple, Martin Luther King, Wright brothers) 則是由內圈到外圈, 先談 why, 接著談 how, 最後才談 what.
舉例來說,如果 Apple 以如同大部份企業的方式溝通,他們的廣告訴求會像是:
"(what) We make great computers.但實際上 Apple 溝通的方式是直接觸及 why,接著談 how,最後才談 what,給人的感受截然不同:
(how) They're beautifully designed, simple to use and user friendly.
Want to buy one?"
" (why) Everything we do, we believe in challenging the status quo. We believe in thinking differently.能夠激發人心的,不是你做什麼 (what),而是你為什麼做 (why):
(how) The way we challenge the status quo is by making our products beautifully designed, simple to use and user friendly.
(what) We just happen to make great computers.
Want to buy one?"
聽了之後會受到感動,你已經打算趕快買一台 MacBook 來支持這樣的理念了。
Why? what's your purpose? what's your cause? what's your belief?Golden Circle 和大腦結構相符:
People don't buy what you do, they buy why you do it.
The goal is not to do business with everybody who needs what you have.
The goal is to do business with people who believe what you believe.
大腦外層為 newest brain / homo sapien brain / neocortex (新皮質): what level, rational, analytical thought, language
大腦內層為 limbic brains (邊緣系統): feelings (trust, loyalty), human behavior, decision making.Golden Circle 在人才招募上的應用:
從外圈談起 (what → how → why),人們可以理解,但無法引發行動。
從內圈談起 (why → how → what),直接訴諸大腦控制行為的部份 (情感層面),引發行動之後,人們會為他們的行為合理化。
不要只看學歷、經歷、能力,要招募價值觀、理念相同的人。Golden Circle 在產品行銷上的應用:
The goal is not just to hire people who need a job; it's to hire people who believe what you believe.
If you hire people just because they can do a job, they'll work for your money.
But if you hire people who believe what you believe, they'll work for you with blood and sweat and tears.
二十世紀初英國探險家 Ernest Shackleton 招募隊員前往南極探險,他的徵人廣告並不是「誠徵探險隊員。五年以上經驗。必須知道如何操控主帆。歡迎加入一位優秀船長的團隊。」,他要找的是一群天生就屬於這趟探險之旅的人,他的徵人廣告:「危險旅程誠徵隊員。薪資微薄、天寒地凍、不見天日長達數月、隨時處於危險之中,無法保證平安返航。但若有幸成功,榮耀加身、名滿天下。」
根據 Diffusion of Innovations,必須先贏得 15% 到 18% 的人的青睞,才得以打進大眾市場,因為 Early Majority 要等別人先試過,才肯嘗試新的事物:Golden Circle 在企業組織上的應用:
如果沒有傳達理念,透過行銷,贏得 10% 的 conversion rate (訪客轉換為顧客的比率),吸引到的,只是一般的顧客,無法引爆市場。
如果能夠傳達理念,有紀律地把訴求重心放在認同你的信念的早期顧客 (Innovators 及 Early Adopters),他們不只買你的產品,還認同你的理念,因此熱切地把你的理念、產品、服務納入自己的生活,彰顯自己的 "why"。這些人不但愛你,而且還會主動與人討論到你,他們會鼓勵其他人追隨你,使得成長呈爆炸性發展,並且自動加速。
領導者必須確保團隊中有真心認同自己的理念 ("Why"),並且知道如何打造出有效團隊的人 ("How")。
怎麼做 ("How") 型的人必須瞭解領導者的 "Why",不斷地建構體制、引進實際執行任務、可以達成公司 "Why" 的 Staff ("What")。
Staff ("What") 的責任,是讓公司的行動能完全呈現出組織的 "Why" 而讓外界清楚地瞭解。
[書籍] 先問,為什麼?:顛覆慣性思考的黃金圈理論,啟動你的感召領導力 (Start with Why: How Great Leaders Inspire Everyone to Take Action), 作者: Simon Sinek
[Ted Talk] How great leaders inspire action, Simon Sinek. 非常經典的 Ted Talk, 大推!